Cyber Security

According to Cisco Systems: 43% of all cyber security attacks target small business and small businesses spend an average of $955,000 per attack to restore normal operations. Fortunately, our Certified Information Systems Security Professionals (CISSP)s are here to help.

Pobably the first word that comes to mind when you hear “web development” is the internet. Truly this is an awesome thing! A “place” where you can visit an infinite number of websites and use a wide range of apps.

Writing, correcting, and developing code, it's what web developers do. Web developers work to create both websites and apps, focusing on three types of development: front end development, back end development, and full stack development. In addition there are cloud architects, security architects, and cyber security professionals.

  • Front end developers focus on everything that the user interacts with on the website or app; it's essentially the interface that we see, hear, click on, and type in.

  • Back end developers work behind the scenes, they focus on the servers and databases that power the website, the software that makes the site do more than just show pretty pictures and static pages and making up the parts of the website or app that users don’t access. Although it’s inaccessible to users, it’s vital for websites and apps since it’s where your data is kept.

  • Full stack web developers are experts in front end and back end.

What's missing from the above? Oh, yea, who is there making sure that bad people don't do bad things to your systems? That is where cyber security professionals come in to the matrix.

In additon to full stack development we also bring the following capacities to the table:

  • A cloud architect designs and implements cloud solutions for an organization, ensuring the smooth functioning of cloud systems with minimal downtime. They evaluate and select cloud providers, establish best practices for cloud adoption, and work with IT teams to monitor cloud privacy and address technical issues.

  • Security architects assess their organizations' systems for weaknesses. They conduct penetration tests, risk analyses, and ethical hacks on local area networks, wide area networks, and virtual private networks.

  • Cybersecurity professionals are responsible for protecting IT infrastructure, edge devices, networks, and data. More granularly, they are responsible for preventing data breaches and monitoring and reacting to attacks.

Although web developers have a huge responsibility when creating, designing, and later improving their creations, cybersecurity teams are constantly on the lookout for any cyber attacks and data breaches and they must remain up-to-date on both coding and software. Cybersecurity defends what web development creates and because of this, they need one another. Users and the businesses that serve them, benefit greatly from a professional with skills in both cybersecurity and web development and these disciplines are essential to the freedom and safety of the internet.

At Right Foot Consulting we bring the whole enchillada to lunch!